Planning Department

The Division is responsible for following programs:
Long Range Planning & Special Studies
- Develops and implements goals, policies, and action plans related to community issues such as housing, land use, resource conservation, open space, transportation, and circulation
- Prepares studies to update City policies in response to changes in State law, resource availability, and community goals
- Responsible for preparing and updating the state mandated General Plan
- Facilitates public participation and community involvement in planning issues
- Supports City Council and City Administration in addressing regional governance and planning issues
Development / Environmental Review
- Reviews, analyzes, and makes recommendations on development and design proposals by private property owners and government agencies
- Provides support to the City Council and Planning Commission
- Administers environmental review process in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
- Provides public information and permit services at the public counter
- Reviews, analyzes, and makes design review recommendations on development proposals by private and public property owners
- Prepares public notices, agendas, minutes and performs cursory plan review and environmental assessments for projects subject to Planning Commission and City Council review
- Prepares guidelines, ordinance amendments, and other studies for quality design standard
Zoning Ordinance Information & Enforcement
- Answers questions from property owners, applicants, and other members of the community about land use and zoning requirements
- For zoning information about a specific address, click here
- Reviews plans for proposed development for compliance with City zoning requirements
- Prepares amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (Title 10) and Zoning Map as necessary
- Assists the Code Compliance Division with enforcing City code requirements with the Planning and Building divisions in what is defined as Code Compliance (click here for more information)