Certain development projects require the preparation of environmental documents prior to the City taking action on them. The documents listed in this section are for current projects submitted to the City. They may be downloaded using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Sewer Line Relocation - Clay Street to Locust Avenue Project - Final IS/MND and MMRP for City Council consideration for approval on February 11, 2025
Mitigation and Monitoring Plan
Final Initial Study-Mitigated Negative Declaration
Clay Street Bridge Replacement Project - Draft Recirculated Environmental Impact Report (State Clearing House No. 2014082024)
The Clay Street Bridge Replacement Project Draft Recirculated Environmental Impact Report was circulated for review and comment during a 45-day review period from January 26, 2024 to March 12, 2024.
The review period is now closed.
Please direct any questions to the Engineering Department.
2024 Clay Street Recirculated Draft EIR
Appendix B - Clay Street-Writ of Mandate
Appendix C - Clay Street Bridge Materials Testing
Appendix D1 - EMFAC2021- Air Quality Emissions.pdf
Appendix D2 - EMFAC2021-GHG Emissions.pdf
Appendix D3 - Road Const Emissions.pdf
Appendix E1 - OHP Clay Street Finding of Effect.pdf
Appendix E2 - OHP Clay Street Concurrence.pdf
Appendix F - List of Technical Studies.pdf
Placerville Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration: Final ISMND
Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration: Draft ISMND-Bike Ped
Notice of Intent to Review and Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration: Notice of Intent
Placerville Drive at Hangtown Creek Bridge Replacement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration: Final ISMND
Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration: Draft ISMND
Notice of Intent to Review and Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration: Notice of Intent
Hangtown Creek Water Reclamation Facility Clean Water State Revolving Loan Photovoltaic Project
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
(2018) Draft Environmental Impact Report: Clay Street Hangtown Creek Bridge Replacement Project (State Clearing House No. 2014082024)
City of Placerville_Clay Street Hangtown Creek Bridge Replacement Project_DEIR
Clay Street DEIR Appendix A_NOP IS and Comments
Clay Street DEIR Appendix B_Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas
Clay Street DEIR Appendix C_Noise
Clay Street DEIR Appendix D_Traffic
Clay Street DEIR Appendix E_Energ
Mosquito Road Stabilization Project
Mosquito Road Stabilization_Notice of Exemption_Filed.pdf
Draft Negative Declaration: Placerville Station Phase II Park-N-Bus Improvement Project (State Clearing House No. 2018082036)
(Placerville Station Phase II) Mitigated Negative Declaration with Inital Study Approved.pdf
(Placerville Station Phase II) Clearinghouse NOC (stamped) (1).pdf
Draft Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration: Upper Broadway Bike Lanes and Pedestrian Connection Project
Draft Notice of Intent_Upper Broadway Bike Lanes_MND.pdf
Draft Initial Study With Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration_Feb_22_2018.pdf