Meagher House
Gold Bug Park & Mine
Activities Gem Panning Gift Shop Hattie's Gold Rush Museum Hiking Joshua Hendy Stamp Mill Liberty Pavilion
This historic structure is tucked away in a corner of the park at the end of Gold Bug Lane. It was the summer home for the William Meagher family who owned the mining rights to many of the claims and mines that make up Gold Bug Park. The Gold Bug Park Development Committee and the City of Placerville envision that some day this house will become the home to an education center that includes nature and historic exhibits, and a small classroom. Before that dream can be realized, tho, the Meagher House will need extensive repairs and renovations from top to bottom. This house once belonged to the Meagher family, the last private owners of Gold Bug Mine in Placerville, CA.
meagher-family-300x201.jpg The Meagher family reunion brought together descendants of the original Gold Bug miners. Multiple generations of the extended Meagher met at the house in 2009 to celebrate their part in local history.

Restoration has begun on the Meagher House, but more funding is needed. meagher-house-remodel-300x209.jpg

Contact 2635 Gold Bug Lane, Placerville CA 95667 (530) 642-5207