Priest Mine
Gold Bug Park & Mine
Tours Field Trips


The Priest mine is a hard rock mine of the early 1850’s that was all hand dug. The thousands of pick marks left by the miners tell you the real story of the hard life of those that swung the pick. Follow the quartz veins back in time when gold was the master.

This mine was named the “Priest” after a miner who may have provided services on Sunday for miners in the area. There is an area inside the mine that might have held a board that served as an alter.


The air-shaft at the back of the mine connects to the Gold Bug Mine below. A wooden cover overhead helps to keep out debris and varmints. The natural flow of air keeps the mine at an even temperature and dryness.

The Priest Mine is open only for Guided Tours .

Contact 2635 Gold Bug Lane, Placerville CA 95667 (530) 642-5207