Public Works Division FAQ's
Public Works
How do I know if a water or sewer issue is private (homeowner responsibility) or public (City responsibility)?
  • Water: Any issue that is between the water meter and the house is private (homeowner responsibility).
  • Sewer: Any issue that is from the main sewer line to the house is private (homeowner responsibility). The main sewer line may be across the street, down several houses, or in a different yard. This means the lateral that runs from the main service line to the house is still private (homeowner responsibility). If there is an issue with a line that is under a road or in someone else’s yard, the home owner must get an encroachment permit from the Building Department at the City of Placerville to repair the issue. (At homewoner's expense)
Who do I report a water, sewer, streets, or park issue to?

Contact the Public Works Department at (530) 642-5250.

Who do I contact if a street light has burned out or is damaged?

Street light issues can be reported to

How do I report illegal or irresponsible water usage?

Contact the City of Placerville’s Finance Department at (530) 642-5223 or email Dave Warren at

Where do I get sand bags if I am a City resident?

The US Post Office in Placerville offers sand bags in case of emergencies to City residents.

Who do I call if I need to start/stop my water or sewer service?

Contact the City of Placerville’s Finance Department at (530) 642-5223.

Who do I contact about my water or sewer bill?

Contact the City of Placerville’s Finance Department at (530) 642-5223.

Who do I contact if I have a sewer/water emergency after hours or on the weekend?

Contact the Placerville Police Dispatch at (530) 642-5298.

What do I do if I need my water shut off for private repairs?

If you have your own gate valve before the house and after the meter feel free to shut it off on your own. If you don’t have your own gate valve, a licensed, qualified plumber may install one for you at your expense.  

Can the city locate a private sewer or water line for me?

Unfortunately the City cannot locate a private sewer or water line.