As the City of Placerville's community and economic base continues to grow, Placerville welcomes newly established businesses to the area and values our tried and true businesses that continue to call Placerville their home. If you are considering Placerville as a home for your business the following items may apply to your new business start up:
Location, location, location! Please check with the City of Placerville's Planning Division to ensure your proposed location meets Zoning requirements for Commercial and Industrial use and that the zoning classification allows for your type of business. If you are considering new construction or additions/renovations to an existing building you will need to have plans reviewed and attain necessary permits and inspections. Your business may also need approval from the Planning Commission. You can contact the Community Development Department at (530) 642-5240.
New and revised signs require a permit and may require approval from the Planning Commission. Please contact the Community Development Department for more information at (530) 642-5240.
The City of Placerville requires all businesses doing business within the City limits to obtain a Business License. This includes businesses operated from a residence. Please contact the Finance Department for more information at (530) 642-5223.
Following are links to business resources that may be helpful in starting a business:
California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission
United States Small Business Administration (Sacramento District)
El Dorado County Economic Development
State Trade and Commerce Agency (Employment Training Program)
SEDCORP (Sierra Economic Development Corporation)